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Dariush Eghbali (born February 4, 1951 in Mianeh, East Azarbaijan, Iran) better known by the name Dariush is a famous Iranian singer, actor and humanitarian. His talent was first recognized at an early age of nine, when he appeared on stage at his school. Hassan khayatbashi introduced him to the public at the age of twenty through Iranian television. He immediately became popular with his legendary song “Do not tell me you love me” his contemporary and unique style opened a new era in the Iranian music. His body of work consists of over 200 songs in 25 albums. With remarkable sensitivity and undeniable logic, he has created an astonishing repertoire and a glorious body of work. He has the ability to interpret all forms of music with consummate ease. He has dazzled audiences with great virtuosity with his bright and effervescent performances. He has had sold out performances in concert hall around the world notably: Wembley (London), Carnegie Hall (New York,) Kennedy center (Washington DC,) Koncertoes (Stockholm), Greek theater (Los Angeles), Universal Amphitheater (Los Angeles), and Palais de Congres (Paris).
Dariush has performed in the Iranian Cinema in two films:
- Yârân (Friends)
- Fâryâd Zire Âb (Scream Under water).